National News
Feb 25, 2025
War on Democracy: JD Vance Was Right to Rip Into Europe’s Muzzling the Voice of the People
Vice President JD Vance recently addressed world leaders at an international security conference in Munich, Germany. In his speech, he decried what he perceived as an abandonment of Western values across much of Europe, as individuals have been prosecuted for what would be considered First Amendment-protected speech in the United States.
Feb 19, 2025
The Rebel Campus Boosters Rising Up Against Wokeness on Campus
In recent years, Alumni Free Speech Alliance chapters have formed at college campuses across the country. Through hosting dissident speakers and supporting the establishment of schools dedicated to teaching the values of Western Civilization, these groups have made tangible changes that enhance academic excellence at their respective campuses.
Jan 31, 2025
Trump’s Threat to Deport Anti-Israel Protesters is an Attack on Free Speech
There are concerns that President Trump’s promise to deport foreign nationals who are legally studying in the United States for engaging in pro-Hamas rhetoric may violate students’ constitutional rights. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression has condemned Trump’s plan, citing previous Supreme Court decisions that they argue extend free speech protections to alien residents of the United States.
Jan 22, 2025
The Free Speech War Inside the ACLU
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is facing an ongoing debate over its commitment to viewpoint-neutral free speech advocacy. Once steadfast in defending First Amendment rights regardless of ideology, Jordan Heller states, the organization has increasingly prioritized cases aligning with its members’ left-leaning politics. UNC AFSA hosted former ACLU President and renowned free speech advocate Nadine Strossen on campus last spring.
Jan 22, 2025
Bias reporting systems were a nightmare on campus — and now they’re everywhere
As regular ERI readers and followers of FIRE will know, I’ve been defending free speech on campus since 2001 — nearly all of FIRE’s 25-year history. In 2022, FIRE expanded its mission, going from being the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. This was in no small part because we grew more and more concerned that the free speech crises we were dealing with on campus could and would spill over to other areas of our country.
Jan 21, 2025
Should What Happens In The Classroom Stay In The Classroom?
If 2024 is remembered as the year when “DEI” was deservedly put on the defensive and institutional neutrality gained traction as a long overdue higher-ed reform, what big changes could 2025 bring?
Some hope this will be the year when "the Chatham House Rule" takes academia by storm.
What is “the Chatham House Rule” and why is it needed?
Jan 14, 2025
Student Senate to Vote on Resolution to Protect Free Speech Rights
In response to potential restrictions on student protests by the UNC Board of Governors, NC State's Student Senate has introduced Resolution 97, aimed at safeguarding students' First Amendment rights across the UNC System.
The resolution, introduced in the first senate meeting of the spring semester but not yet voted on, comes after discussions at the November Board of Governors meeting about implementing new policies for campus gatherings and protests.
Dec 31, 2024
2024 was the worst year ever for campus free speech. Can we make 2025 better?
Well, it happened. This year is now officially the worst year on record for free speech on our nation’s campuses.
Throughout 2024, I have been referring to research from my organization, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which showed that 2023 was the worst recorded year for attempts at our colleges and universities to disinvite speakers from campus, cancel performances, take down art exhibits and prevent the screening of films. This is based on FIRE’s Campus Deplatforming Database, which has been logging these kinds of incidents since 1998.
Dec 26, 2024
Professors’ Self-Censoring Has Consequences
In a recent Inside Higher Ed/Hanover Research survey, over 90 percent of college professors from public, private, two-year, and four-year universities said they strongly or somewhat agree that academic freedom in higher education is under threat. Moreover, 55 percent believe that academic freedom is under threat on their own campuses.
Dec 17, 2024
How Alumni Can Save Their Alma Mater
It’s nearly impossible to discuss the university you attended without mentioning the phrase, alma mater. For many, it’s little more than a linguistic relic, with its resonance dulled by time and habitual incantation. Yet beneath this phrase lies an earnest metaphor.
Let’s break it down: Alma is Latin for “nourishing” and mater for “mother.” Together, the phrase translates to “nourishing mother.”
Nov 25, 2024
Against Post-Election Infantilizing
After the 2016 election of Donald Trump as president of the United States, many faculty at universities canceled classes, either due to believing that they had to take time to deal with their own disappointment or that students needed time to process their negative emotions. Other professors took class time to allow students to “process their feelings” and deal with what was perceived as a devastating event for all on campus.
Oct 15, 2024
A year in campus speech controversies — What does the data reveal?
Students, faculty, and invited speakers faced retaliation nearly every single day after October 7 for expressing their political beliefs.
Sep 3, 2024
Can You Teach Free Speech? These Colleges Are Trying.
The kinds of questions freshmen have to answer at orientation are typically mundane and uncontroversial: “Where are you from?” or “What do you think you’d like to major in?” or “Have you found the dining hall yet?”
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a group of first-years went past the small talk and swapped opinions on one of the most pressing topics facing higher education today — free speech.
Jul 18, 2024
If We Want Free Speech, We Need to Teach It
It has been, by every measure, a challenging year for free speech on college campuses.
Widespread student protests, legislative efforts to control what is taught and how, and a growing movement to suppress diversity, equity and inclusion programs have created a crisis not seen since the Vietnam War and civil rights protests more than half a century ago. In the process, university leaders have been caught in the crossfire between faculty, students, alumni, parents, donors, trustees, advocacy organizations and members of Congress.
Jul 15, 2024
Prepare Now for an Election Firestorm
As the U.S. presidential campaign takes a violent turn, colleges and universities need to prepare for major political upheaval and campus disruptions. Last academic year’s campus protests demonstrated that much of higher education is ill-equipped to handle certain political controversies.
Feb 16, 2024
New FIRE model legislation takes on DEI bureaucracy’s chilling effect on campus
FIRE has criticized the ever-increasing bureaucratization of our nation’s colleges for years. As Greg Lukianoff and Adam Goldstein put it a few years back: “The further a university drifts from its academic purpose, the less committed it will be to academic freedom.”
Having spent more than two decades defending free speech and academic freedom on campus, FIRE knows too well just how true that is. When colleges act more like giant corporations and less like educational institutions, student and faculty rights suffer.
Jan 17, 2024
The American Bar Association’s Coming Free-Speech Intervention
The liberal ABA may save law schools from themselves.
Higher education did not have a good year in 2023, as evidenced by high-profile resignations at Penn (Liz Magill) and Harvard (Claudine Gay). This followed abysmal televised congressional testimony in which the two Ivy League presidents and MIT’s Sally Kornbluth refused to condemn campus calls for genocide against Jews. Harvard’s disgrace was compounded by revelations of serial plagiarism on the part of Gay.
Jan 13, 2024
As a new generation rises, tension between free speech and inclusivity on college campuses simmers
Generations of Americans have held firm to a version of free speech that makes room for even the vilest of views. It’s girded by a belief that the good ideas rise above the bad, that no one should be punished for voicing an idea — except in rare cases where the idea could lead directly to illegal action.
Today, that idea faces competition more forceful and vehement than it has seen for a century.
Dec 20, 2023
HILL: Tax universities and colleges
Remember the days when college presidents were paid a pittance since universities sponsored by religious organizations and state governments couldn’t pay them a lot in salary? Or when coaches had to tend bar during the off-season to make ends meet?
Yeah, me neither.
Higher education institutions, public and private, were granted nonprofit, tax-exempt status a long time ago to help them compete with the private sector to attract the best and the brightest faculty, administrators and coaches to teach the next generation of citizens. Everything about granting them nonprofit status had to do with “enhancing the educational experience” of every student on campus, not just the jocks or administrators.
Dec 11, 2023
Campus Culture at a Crossroads: A Letter From the President
Dear members and supporters,
College and university responses to the October 7 attacks by Hamas, and the subsequent response by Israel, have put questions of campus culture in the public spotlight like never before. The clumsy and tone-deaf statements by university presidents in the immediate wake of the attack and, even more dramatically, before Congress last week, have served to deepen public distrust in higher education and its values. As a nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to open inquiry, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement, HxA takes no position on the moral and political questions raised by the conflict in the Middle East. We do take a position on what role higher education should play.
Dec 9, 2023
What Universities Should Punish and What They Shouldn't
Talia Khan, an MIT graduate student, had a detailed and powerful statement about what she sees as anti-Semitism on campus (apparently written in response to an invitation from Reps. Fox and Stefanek).
And I think it well reflects how many different things are being mixed together here. For instance, the statement refers to "a radical anti-Israel group at MIT called the CAA" whose members have "stormed the offices of Jewish faculty and staff in the MIT Israel internship office. Staff reported fearing for their lives, as students went door to door trying to unlock the offices." If this is accurate, then it should certainly be punished. Likewise as to "Jewish students being physically blocked from moving through the anti-Israel crowd through the main MIT lobby."
Oct 18, 2023
College Presidents Issue Statement Supporting Israel And ‘Moral Clarity’ In War With Hamas
As turmoil over the escalating Israel-Hamas war continues to affect campuses across the world, a multifaith group of U.S. college presidents has issued a statement saying the moment requires “moral clarity” and that they “stand with Israel, with the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’s cruel rule in Gaza, and with all people of moral conscience.”
Sep 18, 2023
ABA's law school free speech proposal moves forward
Aug 18 (Reuters) - The American Bar Association’s legal education arm on Friday advanced a proposal that would require all law schools to have written free speech policies that protect the exchange of ideas and prohibit disruptive activities.
The ABA’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar voted to send the new freedom of expression rule out for public notice and comment.
Aug 11, 2023
Principles for a Campus Culture of Free Inquiry
A group of scholars interested in free inquiry and the future of higher education met in Princeton last spring and began a conversation about what principles ought to guide a well-functioning scholarly institution dedicated to the mission of the preservation and advancement of knowledge. With radical proposals for higher education reform very much in the air, especially on the political right, it was hoped that it would be helpful to have a statement clarifying the objectives that any reform measure should be seeking to advance.
Aug 2, 2023
Faculty Fight for Academic Freedom at Harvard
The National Association of Scholars is delighted that 52 Harvard University professors have formed a Council on Academic Freedom. This group will “advocate for the free and civil exchange of ideas on campus” by promoting the principles of free inquiry, civil discourse, and intellectual diversity. Harvard, no less than other universities, needs professors who defend intellectual freedom—and freedom in general.
Jun 20, 2023
Colleges Should Compete on Free Speech
The lists of “top colleges” have varied little in many years. They always include the Ivies, Stanford, MIT, Cal Tech, etc. But that could change. Colleges of all types can differentiate themselves on the core values of free speech and academic freedom, and those that do will increasingly attract more and better students, faculty, and employment opportunities for their graduates.
There are many factors that go into choosing a college or grad school – affordability, location, and strength in specific disciplines – but many parents and students are overly focused on the prestige of the school.
Jun 7, 2023
These states are finding creative ways to support free speech on campus
The scenes of ideological intolerance have become all too familiar to Americans. Law students shouting down a federal judge at Stanford Law School. College students protesting the new president of the University of Florida, former Republican U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse. Many of our most prestigious colleges and universities have been reduced to ideological monocultures – both inside and outside the classroom.
May 2, 2023
Universities are losing the battle on free speech
Is the era of woke censorship coming to an end on campus? The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN, among others, are heralding a new epoch in which university leaders stand up to snowflake students. While it’s encouraging that progressive legacy media outlets are nailing their free speech colours to the mast, these are counter-wavelets on the surface of a rising swell. Progressive illiberalism is not going anywhere because it is baked into the demography of tomorrow’s professors.
Apr 5, 2023
MIT Debate: Should Academic DEI Programs be Abolished?
Click Link Below to View a Recording of the Debate:
Mar 16, 2023
Our Rising Generation of Censors: Stanford and Davis Expose America’s Anti-Free Speech Movement
Below is my column in on the recent controversies at Stanford University and University of California at Davis where students sought to prevent others from hearing conservative speakers. These are only the latest manifestations of a growing anti-free speech movement across our campuses.
Mar 15, 2023
Stanford Law hecklers demanding ‘free speech’ don’t know what they’re asking for
The free-speech fallout at Stanford Law School continues after last Thursday’s headline-making, administrator-endorsed shoutdown of a federal judge by students who said his views were too “harmful” to be aired on campus.
Hundreds of students dressed in black and donning face masks emblazoned with the words “counter-speech is free speech” lined the halls of Stanford Law on Monday to protest Dean Jenny Martinez’s subsequent apology to Fifth Circuit judge Stuart Kyle Duncan for the treatment he received when he attempted to speak at the school last week.
Dec 23, 2022
Column: Free expression is a foundation of excellence in education
Watching world events and controversies unfold, such as Russian control of news on the war in Ukraine, may give us a sense of First Amendment pride here. Yet make no mistake: Our nation struggles daily with the impact of and limits on free expression in classrooms, media, social channels and the public square. More than ever, especially among those of us entrusted with leading America’s colleges and universities, we see the need to articulate and help build the skills and dispositions enabled by free expression.
Dec 14, 2022
After a 15-year decline, more colleges have become hostile to free speech
The (college) kids are not alright. While it may come as no surprise at this point, a new analysis spotlights just how hostile to free speech our system of higher education has become — and it’s getting worse.
The nonpartisan Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression just released its updated campus free-speech rankings, which evaluate 486 US colleges and universities. The group finds that the vast majority of these schools restrict free speech.
Sep 30, 2022
Restoring Free Speech at Our Universities
Now that the autumn semester is well underway, it is worth asking whether students have a chance to participate in free and open debate. The short answer is “No, they don’t.” They don’t have a chance to explore unpopular ideas and controversial opinions. They are “protected” from ideas that might make them uncomfortable. What’s being stifled here is more than speech. It’s their education and, with it, their preparation to live in a tolerant society, where fellow citizens hold different views.
Jun 22, 2022
Hill: In America, Free Speech is Good
Freedom of expression and competition among a very few extraordinary people are at the heart of major advancements in human history. When both are allowed to flourish, everyone benefits. When either one, or both, are suppressed in any way for any individual, we all suffer the consequences.
Jun 8, 2022
La Noue: New School Institutional Trends? Charitable Prudence Needed
When persons of means contemplate death, the question of where to leave their financial assets becomes acute. If they are higher education graduates, their former campuses have “advancement teams” ready to answer questions, provide forms, and urge investments in their institutions. Sometimes they will appeal to altruism, sometimes ideology, and sometimes ego. Would you like to have your name on this activity or building? Such administrators believe that “where there is a Will, there is a way.”
May 2, 2022
Some Lessons from the Sorry History of Campus Speech Codes
Concern about the proliferation of hate speech motivates many who oppose the recent acquisition of Twitter by billionaire Elon Musk, who says he plans to turn the heavily moderated platform into a bastion for free speech. Sources ranging from writers at major news publications to CEOs have voiced fears that free-speech-friendly policies will make the platform a haven for “totally lawless hate, bigotry, and misogyny,” as actress Jameela Jamil put it in her farewell-to-Twitter tweet.
Apr 1, 2022
Alumni Unite for Freedom of Speech
Readers of these pages are well aware that free speech, academic freedom and viewpoint diversity are in big trouble at U.S. universities. But many of those worried over the state of campuses are almost resigned to the idea that forces of illegal intolerance have won.
Mar 28, 2022
What Is Free Speech Without Intellectual Diversity?
Eleven days ago the Editorial Board of the Cavalier Daily, the University of Virginia student newspaper, opined that it could not condone the “platforming” of former Vice President Mike Pence by allowing him to speak on the university grounds.
The blowback has been gratifying to see.
Mar 16, 2022
Hundreds of Yale Law Students Disrupt Bipartisan Free Speech Event
More than 100 students at Yale Law School attempted to shout down a bipartisan panel on civil liberties, intimidating attendees and causing so much chaos that police were eventually called to escort panelists out of the building.
Mar 8, 2022
How Princeton Eviscerated Its Free Speech Rule and Covered It Up
In July 2020, a Princeton University professor, Joshua Katz, wrote an article containing provocative language that generated controversy on campus. While voicing strong disagreement with that language, Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber clearly and publicly stated a few days later that it was protected by Princeton’s university-wide rule on free speech. But since then, through other Princeton officials, the university has for over a year viciously attacked Professor Katz as a racist on its website and elsewhere for the exact same language. These attacks have clearly violated the Princeton free speech rule, as well as other Princeton rules.