UNC Alumni Free Speech Alliance
Join UNC AFSA in promoting free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at UNC.
April 3, 2025 - Annual Meeting with Keynote Speaker
Jonathan Turley: Free Speech in the Age of Rage

Join the UNC Alumni Free Speech Alliance to celebrate a successful year defending free speech at our annual meeting at the Carolina Club on April 3rd, 2025. Arrive at 6:00 PM for cocktails and stay for a seated dinner at 7:00, when keynote speaker Jonathan Turley will discuss the indispensable right to free speech in America and the state of higher education.
Connect with UNC alumni, faculty, students, and University leaders dedicated to promoting free speech and open discourse on campus. Turley, a renowned litigator and Fox News legal analyst, has shaped landmark cases and testified before Congress 100+ times.
Register Here:
Visit our Event Page for a recap of our on-campus speakers. Each event was well attended and encouraged thoughtful conversation in an effort to support free speech, academic freedom and viewpoint diversity.
Recent News
Donations to UNC AFSA are greatly appreciated and will be used carefully to support and defend free speech, viewpoint diversity, and academic freedom at UNC-Chapel Hill.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to UNC Alumni Free Speech Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 8
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Thank you!